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Lightning Strikes! – Pacific combat in a P-38

Lockheed P-38H “Honey Bunny” roars over the California landscape with the incomparable Steve Hinton at the controls. This is the only airworthy Lightning with fully functioning original turbo chargers and is now owned by Allied Fighters of Chino, California. Later during WW II, P-38s were flown in both theaters sans OD paint. (Photo by Paul Bowen)
The Zero raced through slanted columns of tropical light, prevented by high cirrus from leaving its shadow while skimming the slick New Guinea rain-forest roof. The Zero was dirty green with a black cowling and might have been hard to pick out except, “You could always see that red ball,” Richard Kirkland said—referring to the hinomaru or national emblem painted on Japanese Navy fighters. Catching one of them unawares happened almost never: the Zero pilot...


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